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About Jordan Kit.

Two dirty hands wash clean

JORDAN KIT is a north coast writer currently living in Cleveland, Ohio. He is the author of Ignoring the Mistakes, a collection of poetry and short stories. His work has also appeared in Inkstains & Heartbeats: The Collective, The United States Literary Magazine, The Monologging Project, and can be found at

Contemplative glances
out a bus window
pithy thoughts arising
in the early morning dims
heading westward always
a kind of American birthright
that boils the blood
into a frenetic shuffle seaward
and as the carriage stalls out
I don’t wait for the shuttle,
just keep walking
with nothing behind
nothing really ahead
thinking I’d end it all
if I weren’t so damn curious
about it
Luck in the age of entropy
a forgotten kiss
bequeathed among the weeds
in a way we used to speak
that we passed on to our kids
who lost it all the same.
And here comes the feeling
of a new beginning,
when only just last night
I drank alone on the porch
watching the somnolent
second shifters walking home
after a long day,
and all I thought about
was how detached I’ve been.
But this is a beginning
and I am ready.

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