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there is a selfishness


a dirty




that asserts itself quietly

in every whim

every action

every moment.

that refuses to let go of anything

no matter how inconsequential

or unnecessary.

and we don’t feel it until

the others make us feel it.

that knotted




that binds us closer

to the animals

than the gods.

and you find that humanity

is just a word.

like empathy.

or kindness.

or altruism.

or god.

or love.

words to describe

all the empty space

between what we believe

and what we do.

About Ian Driscoll.

IAN DRISCOLL is a writer from Southern California. Ian writes poetry and prose, he thinks. He lives in Peru. He studied comparative mythology for 13 years. Now he lives in the jungle and drinks Ayahuasca full time. His eyes are going. His back hurts. He drinks too much gin. Ian keeps traveling.


there are these quiet moments

when i’m not alone

precious moments that come too seldom

when i can feel everything i’m meant to

suddenly i’m given a gift

a way to control it

a cage for my thoughts

and i don’t feel so inundated

or so panicked

or so afraid

or so certain of all the dark inevitabilities

i can’t call the moments

they come of their own accord

and stay as long as they will

and when they go i’m left alone

with my wild thoughts

that drag me roughshod to and fro

that toss me this way and that

and all i feel capable of

is holding on for dear life

not losing my grip

or my mind

or my heart

just holding on

but in those peaceful moments of silent knowing

i stand on firm ground

and i feel myself connected

to him

to her

to them

to every living thing

and people don’t complete me

and things don’t distract me

and my mind can’t defeat me

and i’m right

and truea

nd loved

and i am love and forgiveness and understanding

without a self-seeking pride

to obscure my vision

to dirty the mirror

and nothing in this world or the next

can separate me

from you

in those moments

that come too seldom

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